How to make an excellent bulletin board

So do you want to learn to make an excellent bulletin board like this? This is my bulletin board. Since I have lived all over the world for my first 13 years of life, I've had the priveledge to collect things that you would never think would be on a bulletin board, from my keychain from Victoria Gomez to my broken Flickflack wristwatch that I bought in third grade in Spain. I will try to give you as many tips as I can! I can't garantee that I will give you exactly 10 facts!
1. Vertical not horisontal! When I got my bulletin board in Panama, my parents screwed it into my wall vertically. I was kind of mad that my bulletin board was not horisontal, but now I see a complete advantage for a vertical bulletin board.
So what's the advantage of a vertical bulletin board?
Do you see how the bulletin board completely alligns with the bottom white shelf with the fairy candle and the thank you card from my Aunt Barb on it? If the bulletin board was horisontal, then the shelf would be somewhere else because obviously the two objects wouldn't match. It also takes up less spase.
2. Envelopes, letters, postcards. I have this hobby of sending my friends mail. As a foriegner, I did not have the priveledge of walking down to the mail box and then when the mailman in his mailtruck would come I would zoom down to see what's in the mailbox.
That's our gazebo by the way, which leads down to our mailbox. The trail leads down to our mailbox.
So anyway, my foreign friends and I love being creative and so we would both draw on our envelopes, letters and postcards. I would fall in love with the envelope, letter, or postcard and smack it on my bulletin board!
You should do the same too.
3. NO WALLPAPER! (at least, I on't really reccomend it!) This is my complete opinion.You definetly do not have to argee with this, but I'll try as best as possible to explain my opinion. I do not think that you should use a wallpaper on your bulletin board because it makes your wonderful piese of art look rather...cheesy. Okay, that wasn't a very good way of stating my opinion, so I will try to show you!

Yes, this is a nise background, but it takes away all the attention from all the important things posted on the bulletin board! The advise that I am giving you for making  a great bulletin board would look horrible with a wallpaper! Scroll back up to the picture of my bulletin board if you have to. Can you imagine my bulletin board with any type of background? I can not! No wallpapers! If you want a nise bulletin board, just take my advise and ignore the wallpaper!
4. Everyday things from another country are considered precious to people that don't live in that country  Just so you know, Panama was just hot and humid, so while you guys living in the states were having cold weather, I was just laughing my fase off when I was at a nise hot beach. Except when I got a horrible sunburn. That was when I wasn't laughing my fase off.
So about a month ago, my mom was looking in a closet (we have many closets) for a coat to wear to church. We had to put our coats in storage in Panama, so now that we live in North Carolina and now that we need coats for the cold season, it takes about 10 minutes to find one. This goes for eveyone except me. I only have about 5 coats.
My mom was looking in the pockets, and she found a metro ticket from when we lived in Madrid, Spain. She showed me it and I just smacked it on my bulletin board!
If you find anything from another country just somewhere, like, a pocket in a coat, take advantage of it! Don't throw it away because there is a 40% chanse that you will ever visit that country again! Smack it on your bulletin board!

I can't think of any more advise, so I think that I will come to a stopping point and just say, this is all the advise I have! I hope you like it!


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