Summer Plans
During finals week, I've been thinking about how I should be spending my last summer. By last summer, I mean that this is the last summer that I have where I won't have to be intern or have some low-paying summer job. Por eso, I am not going to waste away my summer by waking up, watching episodes of Netflix, and catching up on social media. I am going to get out and be adventurous!
I established this new rule where I can't do anything fun like cook, watch Netflix, catch up on social media, or go anywhere until I have worked out and have practised viola for two hours. I love working out, but it's the practising that I can do without. I have found that if I don't practise first thing in the morning, I never practise that day. I also have to practise this summer because I am going to be a counselor at two chamber music camps and I am taking one lesson a week from my viola teacher, Matt.

Speaking of working out, I have set a few workout goals: gain more muscle, lose weight, improve my running endurance, and add more variety to my workout routine. The gym I go to has a variety of workout classes. To give you an idea of what I am going to do for my workout routine, on Monday I'm going to run for an hour, on Tuesday I am participating in an aqua fitness class, on Wednesday I am participating in a group power hour class, on Thursday I'm going to run for an hour, on Friday I am participating in a class called NIA, on Saturday I am participating in a step it up class, and Sunday is a day of rest. There are a few classes on my list that I have never heard of, but I am still super excited to add them to my workout routine! I hope to see some great results.

In order to boost my workout results, I am also going to eat a healthier diet. Some of my favourite healthy foods include oats, green tea, and salad. I am going to experiment with a billion different salad recipes this summer. My mom also offered to teach me how to make some of her favourite dinner recipes this summer, so I can't wait!
I am also going to get my piano back up again. I don't like taking piano seriously, but I like figuring out new tunes.
I have also made a summer reading list. I am keeping the list down to six books and I have already started on my first book, An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. Yes, that's the same guy who wrote TFIOS, aka the book that made everyone bawl their eyes out.
The second book I am going to read is Dreamland by Sarah Dessen. This author is actually from Chapel Hill, so I am super excited to read this!

I am always looking for ways to integrate math into my summer. It all started when my mom would force me to work on numerous sheets of math everyday during the summer. Working on math during the summer seemed like child abuse until my mom bought me some of Danica McKeller's math books. McKeller would explain how to tackle different types of math problems by giving engaging, real world examples of how you'd use this specific math skill in your daily life. I used to just read one chapter to figure out something, so I have never gotten the chance to read one of her books all the way through. Por eso, I am making McKeller's Kiss my Math my third book on my summer reading list!
The fourth book on my list is So You've Been Publicly Shamed by Jon Ronson. It's my summer reading assignment, so as minus.
The fifth book on my list is Dragonwings by Laurence Yep. I randomly selected it. There's a Newberry Honor medal on the front, so it must be pretty good!
The sixth book on my list is Cuentos de Eva Luna by Isabel Allende. I am always trying to integrate Spanish into my daily life and what a better way to do that than read Spanish literature?
I am going to finish reading these in no particular order and I hope I like them.
I am also going to go on numerous adventures in Chapel Hill and I will reblog plenty!
Until next time!
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