Ponderings on the 31st of December

We all have those days where we just decide to crash and have no energy to work. Today was one of those days for me.
Starting tomorrow, I would like to learn to see my viola as my best friend that I am trying to get to know better rather than seeing it as a figure of authority. Best friends do not command you to practise 2-3 hours daily; best friends support your ambitions, no matter how large or small. Even if I don't get to practise as much as I wish to in the next semester, next year, or even in the next decade, I will always be grateful for the hidden wonders of the world that I have discovered thanks to the viola.

My social media is not an accurate depiction of my life. Like most girls, I love beautiful things, which is why I have put so much focus into making my Instagram & blog look appealing. During my high school years, I grew up in a society where a chunk of your self-worth is determined by the ammount of likes you'd get on a post or photo. But what happened to those times when you only followed your closest friends & family? The reason why I am still using Facebook is to keep up with my close friends & that is my second resolution.

I took a home decor quiz online last night & my result was traditional. The description told me that I liked to stay in my comfort zone. This is not how I want to live. I see living in the United States as staying in my comfort zone, but once I step out of the zone, I am living a zestful life. I would like to someday live in England or Spain again. I lived in these countries during my childhood. If I move to Europe, I realise that I will not have that type of guidance. I know that sometimes I may feel lost or alone, but knowing that I will be living a zestful life overseas makes up for it-that's my third resolution.


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