Mis Pensamientos

"'There's a family behind every name-a mother or father, brothers & sisters, perhaps a wife. If one of them were to find out that letters can be brought to life, that someone who's only a name now could become flesh & blood again, don't you think he or she would do anything, anything at all, to make it happen?'"-Page 275

The quote above is from one of Cornelia Funke's best selling work, Inkheart.

Image result for inkheart book

I currently have 180 books on my bookshelf. I've only read 49 books on my book shelf, but now that I've decided to start leaving notes of my thoughts of the work & the date that I finished the work, I guess you can say that I've read less than five books on my book shelf. I have decided to start this project so I or other people can see what I wrote. This also means that I will be re-reading books that I finished reading many years ago.

Inkheart was one of the books that I decided to re-read. My copy of Inkheart looks nothing like the copy pictured above, it looks something like this...

The spine is worn out, the pages are a light yellow, & one-sixth of the cover will probably rip off in a matter of time. My two other copies of the trilogy are in the same state, along with my Harry Potter books & my copy of The Kite Runner. I guess that's what happens to books that people love to read.

The first time I read Inkheart was in sixth grade. When I read it this year, I found chocolate stains in the first half of the book. Honestly, what kind of sixth-grader doesn't like chocolate?

The thing about Cornelia Funke's style of writing is she likes to stretch out events over an average of five pages. The only other author that I remember who stretches our events even further than Funke is Stephanie Meyer. Because of that, it took my sixth grade ADHD self half a year to get through Inkheart. This year, it took me a little more than a month to get through the work. 

One thing that's great about owning your own copies of books is you get to do whatever you want with them. I have started highlighting quotes that stand out to me. I have even started colouring in the pictures whenever I'm bored from being bored.

There is also a movie of the book, Inkheart. What's funny is I watched it so long ago that I forgot what Basta, Dustfinger & Elinor looked like. I imagined Basta looking like a guy with a bulky body, tiny arms, bright green eyes & a huge nose. I just thought of Dustfinger as Aragorn in Lord Of The Rings. Elinor reminded me of Meryll Streep. That's the beauty of never seeing the movie, you get to decide what the characters & the settings look like. 

I have never understood why the trilogy isn't as well known as the Harry Potter series or The Lord Of The Rings series. Funke has done an excellent job writing the entire trilogy. Sometimes her writing was so excellent that it scared me. I remember when I was reading the book a second time, there were times when I was not expecting Basta to pop out of nowhere & it made my heart skip a beat! And I know that surprising your reader with a jump scare is easier said than done. 

Well, ignoring that, I think every child twelve & older as well as every adult should get their hands on a copy of Inkheart.


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