Review: Tree Hut Hawaiian Kukui Body Scrub

Image result for tree hut hawaiian kukui
Rating: 5/5

I don't know where I got or when I bought a tub of Tree Hut's Hawaaian Kukui Sugar Scrub, but I have never been able to find a use for it, so it just sat in my bathroom untouched. That is until I read an article on Cosmopolitan called 6 Ways to Make Your Shave Last for Days. Usually I just scroll through these types of articles saying "yeah, I already knew that", but this one tip stood out to me:

"1. Exfoliate the day before shaving.

To remove hairs super close to their roots, buff your skin with a body scrub or body cream that has glycolic, lactic, or alpha hydroxy acid to erase dead skin cells as well as dislodge ingrown hairs, says dermatologist Jennifer Chwalek of Union Square Laser Dermatology in NYC. Try lactic and glycolic-acid based DERMAdoctor KP Duty Body Scrub, which combines the benefits of chemical and mechanical exfoliants for silky skin."-Nicole Catanese
This article is super helpful, I recommend it to all! 
After reading & learning from Nicole, I remembered that I had a tub of this sugar scrub stocked away in my bathroom. I tried it out & it worked! I love the woodsy-tropical scent of this sugar scrub & I feel so exfoliated-& my shave did last longer! 
I am now trying out Tree Hut's Moroccan Rose Shea Sugar Scrub & I love it just as much! The rose shea sugar scrub would probably be a better pick for you if you're more into floral scents than earthy ones.


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