Mis Pensamientos

Just a few hours ago this morning, I finished reading María Dueñas's novel, The Time In Between. Although English was not the language in which this novel was originally written, it was beautifully translated.

This novel took me about six months to read because it's quite a thick book. During the semester, I would probably read only an average of a chapter a week, but as Christmas Break came along, I had time to read 2-3 chapters every day.

I would recommend this book to anyone in high school & above that age range. This is because as times got tough during the semester, Sira reminded me that her problems were larger than mine will ever be!

For this book review, I thought I'd share a few of my favourite quotes - no spoilers, I promise!

"At the cracked mirror in Candelaria's room, I reinvented myself, trying out and making my own all those glamorous ways women crossed their legs, which I'd observed every day at aperitif time on the terraces, the elegant way they'd make their way with such poise along the broad sidewalks of the Boulevard Pasteur, and the grace with which their recently manicured fingers would lift up a French fashion magazine, a gin fizz, or a Turkish cigarette in an ivory holder."-Chapter 13, page 143

"For the first time in a long while, perhaps for the first time in my life, I felt proud of myself. Proud of what I was capable of, what I had been able to get through, proud of having acquitted myself better than had been expected of me...Proud of the woman I had become."-Chapter 67, page 595

"Each wave carried a memory with it, an image of the past: memories of the young woman I once was, of my accomplishments & my fears, of the friends I'd left behind, scenes from other lands, with other voices. And above all that morning, the sea brought me feelings that had been forgotten between the folds of memory: the caress of a dear hand, the strength of a friendly arm, the joy of what was shared, and a longing for what was desired."-Chapter 53, page 510


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