The Funniest Christmas Story Ever!

We just finished opening some early Christmas presents and one of our Christmas presents was the Elf on the shelf.
The elf was in a plastic box and there was a book.
Now the first things that came into my mind when my Mom opened the box (not with the part with the elf in it) were I've seen these things in Barnes and Noble before. I also thought that the elf looked kind of creepy and another creepy thing that I notised was that that elf was staring straight Then after a while, I thought that elf was kind of cute.
My Mom started reading the story of the Elf. It was basically about how Santa knew how the kids around the world were naughty or nise. The elves would go into kid's houses and note back to Santa whether they were naughty or nise. As soon as Mom got to the middle of the story, I said out loud:
"Oh, I get it! So everytime you wake up, the elf is in a different plase in your house! That's pretty cool!"
Continued reading.
Soon enough, we had to come up with a name for the Elf.
"Elfy!" That was my sister's idea.
And that's my sister, Rebecca.
"No, let's call him Fle, sinse that's elf backwards!" I said.
"Duende!" That was another one of my ideas.
"That's cool! Sinse duende means elf in spanish." My mom said.
"Let's just call him Elfey." mom said.
"So that elf is going to be in different parts of the house?" Rebecca asked.
"Exactly!" My Dad replied.
"SO HE'S GOING TO BE IN MY ROOM?!" Rebecca exclaimed.
"uh, yeah." Dad replied.
Rebecca burst into tears.
Mom starts opening the box with Elfey inside it.
"DON'T OPEN THE BOX!!!!! LEAVE HIM THERE!!!" Rebecca screams.
I was just laughing my head off because so much was going on there. It couldn't be helped. Soon enough everyone is staring at me.
"What? It's just really funny!" I keep laughing.
"Don't worry he's not real." My Dad says to Rebecca.
"YES HE IS! Just don't open the box! I don't like Elfey." Rebecca says.
"I bet Rebecca heard the Barbie horror story somewhere." I say.
"Well no more horror stories for you. Go finish your homework Kt." Says Mom.
My homework is done. And after all this happened, I just zoom straight to my room and start typing this like crazy onto my blog, but as soon as I start writing, Rebecca comes in my room with Mom and they start this small (very small) conversation with me.
"Rebecca chose a new name for Elfey Kt." Says Mom.
"It's Scelfey sinse he's so scary.  Beware and Goodnight Kt."I never get that type of comment from my sister.
And the last thing I heard Rebecca say was.
"Well, I'm sleeping with you Mom because I don't want to be scared by that elf again."


  1. That is hilarious! your sister was completely paranoid! XD


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