
Just a few weeks ago, I have decided to take an eleven day viola sabbatical...starting today! I remember my magnificent former viola professor Sheila Browne told me that when she takes a few days (or even weeks) off from playing the viola, she comes back feeling refreshed, inspired, and sounding more beautiful than ever before. Of course, I completely believed Sheila, I take everything she says to heart, but I also did some research of my own. When I Googled "Take a break from your instrument", the second result that came up was an article from the Strad, which I posted a link here. If you really want to understand why I'm taking such a huge break from the viola, you should read this detailed article.

"If taking a break from music for a few years is what enables some youngsters – or even more seasoned adults – to take a step back before running back to it with open arms, so much the better. Who knows: later, their new-found enthusiasm might propel them to a musical future that is healthier and more accomplished than that of their disillusioned peers."-Harding, 2016

I've just had such a difficult year on the viola. Although I am not a music performance major, the majority of my musical colleagues and professors had so many high expectations for me and it was sometimes too overwhelming. I also had my first tendonitis sprain (I blame it all on the Finale in Shostakovich's Classical Symphony) and my nerves would sometimes take a plunge. Some people might argue that I need to practise to keep getting better & better, but what I really need is a break. I want to be a normal person for eleven days. I want to go running, hang out with my friends, frolick around with my dog, travel to new places near & far, read on the porch, write blog posts, cook, and hang out with my family without the responsibility (or burden as some might call it) of practising hanging over me. And all I'm asking for is eleven days, I'm not asking for a month. Hopefully, this sabbatical will benefit me greatly & thanks for reading!

“ dearlie:


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