How to Create Your Own Track Workouts

Good morning! So, my good friend Cane had asked & encouraged me to share my track workouts with the world, so here they are Cane & #MERRYCHRISTMAS!

Katie's Relay 3•4 Workout

This workout is super fun because all you need is a track & a workout planned in advance...but if you take a friend, you could take turns making up things as you go. There are four sets to this workout.  Each set consists of two exercises & a relay. What happens in the relay is you do an exercise, then run a lap in between each set. You run three laps & in between each lap, you do the exercise. If you do this exercise with a friend, one person could run while the other does the exercise & keep switching off until both people have run three laps & done three sets of the exercise. Here's the formula, I'll provide a few examples in parentheses:

Set 1

Exercise 1 (10 star jumps)

Exercise 2 (20 body-weight squats)

Relay 3X + chosen exercise (1 minute Plank - run 3 laps & do the plank exercise three times each)

Rest 2 minutes

Set 2

Exercise 1 (10 pushups)

Exercise 2 (15 side crunches per side)

Relay 3X + chosen exercise (20 situps in between each of the 3 laps)

Rest 2 minutes

Set 3

Exercise 1 (20 bird dogs)

Exercise 2 (10 cat camels)

Relay 3X + chosen exercise (30-second side plank per side, do this in between each lap)

Rest 2 minutes

Set 4

Exercise 1 (20 clamshells per side)

Exercise 2 (20 lunges per leg)

Relay 3X + chosen exercise (20 Russian twists in between each lap)

Rest 2 minutes

Katie's 100-200X Track Workout

This workout is a bit more difficult than the relay 3•4 because there's a lot more running. This workout is for those who are trying to fit more running into their workout.  
What does the 100-200X mean? The number means the number of total reps in the workout. For example, if it's a 100X track workout, that means you'll be doing 100 total reps. I make multiple versions of this workout with 100X, 125X, 150X, 175X, & 200X. The higher the number, the more demanding & time-consuming the workout will be. In between each exercise, you will run a lap, using 75-80% of your effort, around the track. I'll make a 100X workout with examples of exercises in parentheses.

Run 1 lap 

Exercise 1 (20 body-weight squats)

Rest 1 minute

Run 1 lap

Exercise 2 (10 body-weight jump squats)

Rest 1 minute

Run 1 lap

Exercise 3 (50 mountain climbers)

Rest 1 minute

Run 1 lap

Exercise 4 (20 situps)

As you can see, all of the reps add up to 100 (20+10+50+20=100). If you use this formula, you can create any track workout of this type with any number of reps. 

P.S. These are my workouts so please don't steal them & say you came up with them-thanks!


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